A new level of absurdity in Intellectual Property claims
The NFL, it seems, feels it owns the right to the concept of "The Big Game".
"The Americans keep telling us how successful their system is. Then they remind us not to stray too far from our hotel at night." - An un-named EU trade representative quoted during international trade talks in Denver, Colorado, 1997.
I saw a post about that(http://techdirt.com/articles/20070223/111900.shtml). Gotta love this comment:
Wait, this could be a new pastime by Dino on Feb 23rd, 2007 @ 8:43pm
I propose the next five euphemisms for "Super Bowl", to be called into play as the NFL takes ownership of each one over time:
- The Greedy Bowl
- The Big Commercial
- The Super Trademark
- Halftime Follies
- Is That A Pigskin In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Glad To See Me?
There are loads of great sporting precedents. The reason you have the Gay Games instead of the Gay Olympic in San Fran is because the USOC owns the trademark on the word "Olympic".
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