Information Landmine

"The Americans keep telling us how successful their system is. Then they remind us not to stray too far from our hotel at night." - An un-named EU trade representative quoted during international trade talks in Denver, Colorado, 1997.

Monday, November 24, 2008

This post is not endorsed by Linus Torvalds...

Via Enigma Foundry, here's a nice chart breaking down supercomputer use by operating system.

Operating system Family Count Share % Rmax Sum (GF) Rpeak Sum (GF) Processor Sum
Linux 439 87.80 % 13341108 20822363 2104191
Windows 5 1.00 % 328114 429555 54144
Unix 23 4.60 % 881289 1198012 85376
BSD Based 1 0.20 % 35860 40960 5120
Mixed 31 6.20 % 2356048 2933610 869676
Mac OS 1 0.20 % 16180 24576 3072
Totals 500 100% 16958600.19 25449076.20 3121579

It's the way forward, people. I notice that 8.4% of readers already use Linux.

This would be kind of cool, were it not for the fact that I suspect at least half of that is me.

Update: Of course if you break it down by Browser, we're mad, bad, and open source.
61% of us, anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to see all the big computers using a decent OS - is this because the windows super computers keep on crashing?
on a less facetious note, nasa recently open sourced the software for keeping tracks of faults in the space shuttle. the bill went from $1 million for proprietary software, down to about $100,000. and it should work properly now too.....

04 December, 2008 10:01  

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