Where Priorities Really Lie
A. When revealing how bad things really are would harm the commercial interests of big business, of course.
Labels: airline safety, big business, NASA report, public safety
"The Americans keep telling us how successful their system is. Then they remind us not to stray too far from our hotel at night." - An un-named EU trade representative quoted during international trade talks in Denver, Colorado, 1997.
Labels: airline safety, big business, NASA report, public safety
Labels: economic crisis, energy crisis, James Kunstler, peak oil
Labels: conservatism, fascism, Islam, US
NEWS: Green Party in England & Wales
A newly published global oil supply report to be presented by the Energy Watch Group at the Foreign Press Association in London today will say that peak oil - the point when oil extraction reaches its highest point and then starts to decline - has already been reached. The report also warns that anticipated supply shortages could easily lead to 'disturbing scenes of mass unrest.'
The report claims that world oil production peaked last year, and that production will now start to decline at a rate of several percent per year. (1)
Green Party Principal Speaker Caroline Lucas, author of 'Fuelling a Food Crisis' which examines the dependence of the EU's food supplies on oil, said in response:
"The reality of peak oil has once again forced itself onto the agenda with this report and it is good to see people finally waking up to the issue.
“The peaking of global oil production, which according to the report took place in 2006, is not merely a question of oil prices, but one of food security. Since over 90 per cent of all our food products require oil, the imminent fall in production and consequent hike in prices will have a profound impact on food availability in the developed and the developing world.
“The UK government and the EU have ultimately failed to take the matter seriously, despite the fact that I raised the issue with the European Commission on several occasions. They must now act quickly, both with legislation and significant investment, to promote truly renewable sources of energy if our dependence on oil is to be reduced.”
Green Party Principal Speaker Derek Wall added:
"We live in an oil addicted society, continual dependency on petroleum is the road to catastrophe. Unless we start creating an energy effecient, ecological economy, our reliance on oil will lead to economic recession, ecological catastrophe and more imperialist wars for the black stuff.
"Already oil prices have increased from below 10 dollars a barrel in the 1990s to around 90 dollars, yet only the Green Party has been calling for real action for us to move to a post oil economy.
"We urgently need to radically alter the way in which we source our energy - and how much of it we consume.
"Cutting edge renewable energy technologies such as wind, wave and solar power, are the key to our future. But they are woefully underrated, and consequently underfunded.
"The only right response to this report is to massively invest in the fledgling renewables industry.
"The UK is better placed than anyone else in Europe to utilise these cheap, clean and modern sources of energy.
"Maximising our use of renewable power would not only reduce our carbon emissions, it could also save us from yet more oil wars."
Notes for Editors:
(1) http://www.energywatchgroup.org/fileadmin/global/pdf/
Labels: peak oil
Labels: blogs, economic crisis, failure of capitalism, James Kunstler, peak oil, systemic failure
Rather, democracy is shorthand for a network of painfully constructed institutions: a free press, free unions, an independent legal and judicial system, the rule of law, the capacity to whistleblow, audit trails, transparency of decision taking, political parties, constitutional checks and balances to hold executive government to account, local power and free elections."
And that's really the point - one which I assume every reasonable person already knows. Democracy and markets are both really hard things to make work. To function properly they require all the conventions and institutions that Hutton describes and more. Klein's tends to ignore this sort of nuanced analysis, preferring an approach where she can lay every conceivable sin at the doors of free marketeers, which, as Hutton points out, makes the whole thing seem rather confused. This is particularly apparent in her depiction of the free-market ideologues she criticises, who come across alternately as Machiavellian geniuses - effortlessly twisting the affairs of we lesser mortals to their nefarious ends - and bumbling idiots - unable to understand that their beloved "free society" can never exist outside of their delusions. So long as we understand that these folk are basically evil and - one more time - have nothing to do with democracy, Klein's happy to grind her axe any which way about exactly what sort of comic-book villains they may be.Labels: 2008 US presidential primaries, corporate power, Hilary Clinton, lobbyists, Monsanto
Labels: 2008 US presidential primaries, Abu Ghraib, Bush, Geneva Convention, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, Jimmy Carter, torture
Labels: Holiday
Labels: Bush, fascism, Fogerty, Iraq, mainstream media, protest, Springsteen